Sohini Chakraborty and her Dance for Revolution

Sohini Chakraborty

Sohini Chakraborty, photographed by Daniel Pepper

I first read about Sohini Chakraborty in TIME Magazine in 2010. I was taken by her story, her mission and her work and immediately contacted her organization to extend my support. Talk about daring to be fabulous! Sohini’s non-profit organization, Kolkata Sanved (sanved is Sanskrit for “empathy”) helps thousands of former child prostitutes, victims of trafficking and other abused women and girls to dance their way into healing and ultimately, into empowerment.

“Dance can help you break free, Dance can bring us together – Dance, Move and Rise for Revolution!” This is the tag line that Kolkata Sanved and One Billion Rising’s “Dance for Revolution” campaign launched earlier this year. I’m including a link to the video about that campaign below, because it’s the best way to give you an idea of the energy, the positivity and the power that dance can and does bring to so many girls and women. Activist and playwright Eve Ensler joined in for this celebratory launch, as did a number of famous Indian musicians and many, many others.

This month, Dare to be Fabulous features a personal story from Sohini about her early decision to become an independent woman in a traditional Indian culture where that wasn’t considered “normal.” She also ends her story with a brief DTBF video message for women (in Bengali with English subtitles).

Click here to read Sohini Chakraborty’s DTBF story, “An Independent Woman.” 

Also, watch Kolkata Sanved’s “Dance for Revolution” campaign video below:



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