Melissa Haynes shares her personal story about quitting a high-paying corporate career to volunteer at an animal reserve in Africa . . .
EXCERPT: “Work began at dawn and ended at dinnertime. The first time I put on the soft, butter-yellow work gloves, I never felt prouder. That is, until I began to actually work. Have you ever lifted elephant dung? That shit’s heavy!”
Melissa Haynes is a shark advocate, animal lover, adventure junkie, conservationist, and author of the book, Learning to Play with a Lion’s Testicles. Her book appeared on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and on Ellen.
I have the fortune of knowing this beautiful girl (^.^)/… and she has a huge heart, but also she always surprises you with new things, I like to read and I can notice when a book is good, her book was one those that capture you after a couple pages and you don’t want lo put it down >.<… was a mixture of emotions that makes you feel sad, happy, thoughtful, scary, in love and above all inspired. You have so much music inside of you… and this world needs deseperately this melody….