ODE TO GRAY by Michele Maggiora

Ode to Grey

Michelle Maggiora shares her personal story about stopping the ritual of dyeing her hair, and letting it go gray . . .

EXCERPT: “I looked in the mirror and saw that faded red-brown hair; hair I always disliked in older women. I was that woman. I was trying to prop up  an illusion and was losing the battle. I looked harsh and faded. I saw fear in my eyes.”


Michele Maggiora stopped dyeing her hair shortly before turning 59 years old. “My writings often point to the political and social connections between sexism, racism and classism.” She currently lives in Mexico, and works as a mentor, writer, visual artist, poet, and photographer.

Read her personal story, and many more, in the book, Dare to be Fabulous
Available from Amazon or independent bookstores 
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Mary Anne Brown
Mary Anne Brown
3 years ago

Hi, I came across a 1991 gourmet magazine with a request for a dessert from ‘Bellisimo” .
To this day we continue to drive CA enroute to Oregon & overnight in Mt. Shasta.
Our food memories always always go right to your old spot.
I bought your book ‘The Liberated Gourmet’ on one of our visits!

thanks for the many delicious memories,

Mary Anne

Viktoria Vidali
Viktoria Vidali
16 years ago

Found a recommendation for your design services on Berkeley Parents Network. Do you still do design work? Would be interested in working together with you. My giclee prints can be viewed on my website: http://www.greetingswithheart.com.
Viktoria Vidali
P.S. Well written article … I love my gray hair, too!

16 years ago

I thoroughly enjoyed your article. The part about Native women embracing their maturity brought tears to my eyes. I am a Native woman and even we need to be reminded of this from time to time.I am 41 and doingthe “dye” thing also. Mostly because of the comments I recieve from people once my hair grows out about 2 inches. They include, but are not limited to the in public, and in a very loud voice, “Oh my god, your hair is gray!” Why people feel the need to “inform” me of something I already know, is beyond me.

Alexandra Fiona
Alexandra Fiona
17 years ago

Hi, I’ve been looking for relatives of Velma Maggiora. Are you her daughter? I got a lovely afghan she crocheted, at a thrift store here in San Francisco, a couple of years ago. It has her label in it. I wanted to give it back to her family if you want it. Alexandra Fiona Dixon, San Francisco – alexandra@t-hunts.com